General School Information
West Sussex County Council is the admissions authority for Fordwater School and all decisions on placements are made by them after consultation with the school.
All children at Fordwater have an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) and cannot be placed at Fordwater without this.
The majority of children start Fordwater School at the beginning of each academic year in September. A small number join throughout the year either because they are moving into the area or once their statutory assessment is completed. Fordwater works closely with other agencies including portage, early years settings, other schools and health and social care professionals, in addition to close liaison with families to ensure the transition into Fordwater is successful for all our pupils.
Please see our Admissions Policy for further details
The Special Educational Needs Assessment Team (SENAT) can be contacted by phoning 03302223120 or Email:
Equality Duty Full Commitment Statement
Pupil Premium Information