
Our Governors

Our Fordwater Governors  for Academic year 2023 - 2024

Fordwater School Instrument - Jan 2015 (.pdf file)

Fordwater has nine Governors and a professional Clerk as follows in accordance with the Instrument of Governance setting up the present Governing Body.

To view the Fordwater School Instrument of Governance document please click on the link above. 

Local Authority Governor Mrs Therese Brook
The Headteacher Ms Sophie Clarke
Staff Governor Grace Brough
Parent Governors

Clare Anderson
Kayleigh Hale

Co-opted Governors

Mr Roy Hawkins-Dady
Mrs Sally Morgan
Paul Arkle
Della Venette


Lauren Bramley-Hill 


Frequency of Meetings

Fordwater Governors meet on average twice a term as a full Governing Body, our meetings are held during the school day at the school but Governors do have the option of participating virtually if circumstances prevent Governors attending the school. All our Governors have experience and skills which they give voluntarily to support the school.

Core Functions of Governing Body 

We have three core functions which are the same for all schools as set out in the (Governance Handbook - March 2019) 

1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and

3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.


Governor Structure 23 24


Governing Body Code of Conduct

The National Governance Association (NGA) latest code of conduct dated August 2022 was adopted by Governors at the Full Governing Body Meeting of the 26th September 2023 which details how Governors are to undertake their duties in fulfilling their assigned roles. Click to view details of this document 



Governor Roles, Committees and Meetings  

Individual Governors have specific roles and responsibilities which enables us to be better informed, proactive and supportive to the senior school leaders.

We have statutory committees, a Finance Committee and Capital Improvement Committee and form Task and Finish Groups when needed.

At the beginning of each academic year we hold an extra meeting when we review our annual Governors’ Action Plan and set our targets for the coming year and elect Governors to particular roles and to serve on Committees.
We normally make focused visits to the school but during the pandemic these were restricted and so we interfaced virtually with staff and school, however now restrictions have been lifted we visit the school as required.

We like to keep our stakeholders informed by contributing to the Fordwater Bugle newsletter.

We continue our own development by presently participating in on-line training courses, webinar briefings and conferences. 

Non-confidential Governing Body Minutes are available from the Clerk to the Governors who may be contacted through the School Office. The Chair of Governors may also be contacted through the School Office.


Governors Action Plan 

Please click on the link below for details on the Governors Action Plan for 2023/2024




Governing Body Meetings

Full Governing Body Meetings for the academic year 2023 – 2024 are scheduled to be held in each term on:

Autumn Term 2023

26th September 2023
7th November 2023

Spring Term 2024

30th January 2024
12th March 2024

Summer Term 2024

30th April 2024
2nd July 2024


Appointments and Membership of Committees


Appointment of Co-Chairs and Vice Chair 2023/24

Fordwater has operated a Co-Chair system since September 2020 and this system is continuing for the new academic year 2023/24, having been ratified at the Full Governor’s Meeting on the 26th September 2023. The Assignment of tasks and duties split between the 2 Co-Chairs, Therese Brook and Roy Hawkins-Dady are detailed in the following table which can be viewed by clicking on the link: 


No formal Vice Chair has been appointed but in the event neither of the Co-Chairs are available Sally Morgan will act as nominated Vice Chair until such time as the Governing Board decide to appoint an official Vice Chair.


Diversity Statement

The governors of Fordwater School believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

The governors are currently collecting data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender, disability, social background and ethnicity.

The data is used to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Due to the governing body being relatively small, diversity data will not be published online as governors could be identified, and the school has a legal obligation to protect their personal data.
                                                                                                                                                -  June 2024



Membership of Committees

For the academic year 2023 – 2024 the membership of committees is as follows which was ratified at the Full Governor’s Meeting on the 26th September 2023:

Headteacher’s Performance Management Panel

Mrs T. Brook
Mrs S. Morgan
Mr R. Hawkins-Dady

Teachers’ Pay and Performance Review Panel

Mrs S. Morgan 
Mrs T. Brook
Mr R. Hawkins-Dady

Capital Improvement Committee

Mr R. Hawkins-Dady (Chair)
Mrs T. Brook
R. Gentle
Deputy Headteacher
Operations Manager
Premises Manager

Finance Committee

School Business Manager
Mrs T. Brook
Mr R. Hawkins-Dady


Governors Tenure, Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and Attendance 1st Sept 2022 to 31st August 2023

This document summaries length of service , representation ,attendance record at Meetings and any Pecuniary the link below to view document details:






Mr Roy Hawkins Dady

Roy Hawkins Dady


  • Co-opted Governor appointed by the Governing Body
  • Co-Chair of Governors
  • Chair of Capital Improvement Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Head Teacher’s Performance Management Panel 
  • Teachers’ Pay and Performance Review Panel
  • Pupil Premium Governor 
  • Special School Governor on School Forum 


I became a Co-opted Governor in September 2018 and Co-Chair to the Governing body in September 2020, my review date is September 2026.
I retired in December 2016 after working 17 years with West Sussex County Council where I was involved in contract and project management work relating to schools and non-educational establishments.

I worked for 22 years overseas mainly in the Middle East and Africa providing procurement administrative and cost control services.

Mrs Therese Brook F.I.O.H., F.R.S.P.M.

Therese Brook

  • Local Authority Governor appointed by West Sussex County Council 
  • Co-Chair of Governors
  • Headteacher’s Performance Management Panel
  • Teachers’ Pay and Performance Review Panel
  • Finance Committee
  • Capital Improvement Committee
  • Novio Governor 
  • Link Governor: Mental Health and Wellbeing 

I have been a school Govenor since 2005, became a Co-opted Governor of Fordwater in January 2015, and a Local Authority Governor with West Sussex County Council  and Co-Chair to the Governing Body in September 2020, my term is due for review in November 2024.

I worked as the County Catering Advisor for the local authority for 12 years.
I am an active Rotary member working with the Aldingbourne Trust and the Woman’s Refuge and Families in need.

Miss Sophie Clarke B.A. Hons, M.A, Q.T.S.

Sophie Clarke

  • Headteacher Governor
  • Finance Committee
  • Capital Improvement Committee

I have worked in special education the majority of my working life and have a passion for improving and sustaining outcomes for pupils with SEN.  I have worked though from reading assistant, though to teacher, department leader, deputy and head.  I have worked with a range of pupils with complex needs and for the last 10 years I have specialised in autism and challenging behaviour.  Fordwater is my second headship.

Kayleigh Hale

Kayleigh is a newly appointed Parent Governor

Mrs Sally Morgan M.C.S.P.

Sally Morgan

  • Co-opted Governor appointed by the Governing Body
  • Nominated Vice Chair on temporary basis 
  • Headteachers Performance Management Panel
  • Safeguarding Governor
  • Pupil Voice Governor
  • Link Governor: Reading 

I first became a Community Governor in March 2010, I became a Co-opted Governor In January 2015, my term is due for review in January 2027.

I have worked as a physiotherapist in the Child Assessment Unit and as co-ordinator of the volunteers at St Wilfrid’s Hospice.  I was also Governor at Parklands CP School.

Clare Anderson

Clare is a newly appointed Parent Governor

  • Parent Governor

Grace Brough

Staff Governor 

Term of office - 2nd January 2024 - 2nd January 2028

Details pending

Mrs Della Venette

Term of office - 30th April 2024 - 29th April 2028

Details pending

Mr Paul Arkle

Paul Arkle


Term of office - 30th April 2024 - 29th April 2028

Details pending
